If you think humans are the only ones who get STDs, better think twice. Your favorite pet dog might also get STDs. If it’s your first time to read about dog STDs, below are some of the shocking facts you didn’t know it’s possible.

Fact #1: There Are 3 Types of Canine STDs

There are actually three kinds of canine STDs and these include canine brucellosis, canine herpesvirus, and canine transmissible venereal tumors. Each of these types has different signs and symptoms and you must consult your vet as soon as possible if you think your dog has STD.

Fact #2: Know about Canine Brucellosis


The primary danger that dogs with canine brucellosis could face is that the puppies rarely survive this. Female dogs that are suffering from this canine STD have a tougher time becoming pregnant and abort their puppies during their pregnancy period. When it comes to male dogs, they develop swollen testicles as well as become sterile.

Fact #3: There’s No Proven and Effective Vaccination for Dog STDs


Dog STDs could spread through sexual contact and ingestion of some items that contains bacteria. Unfortunately, there’s no vaccination that is proven and effective to treat dog STDs. That is the reason why most vets recommend testing pets for bacteria before breeding. If the test is positive, never use that dog when breeding.

Fact #4: Canine Brucellosis May Spread to Humans


Canine Brucellosis is a kind of dog STD that could spread to humans. It isn’t common yet pet owners who hold puppies are at risk. People with canine brucellosis could develop arthritis and liver disease.

Fact #5: Canine Herpesvirus is Common STD for Dogs


Canine Herpesvirus is one of the two STDs that often affect unborn puppies. There are basically minimal symptoms, so it is vital for the breeders to have their pets tested before breeding. During pregnancy, it is also important to keep the pregnant dog away from some dogs until the puppies are several weeks old. If the female dog is exposed during the pregnancy period, the puppies could be at risk.

Fact #6: Puppies Might Die Due to Dog STDs


Puppies could die from STDs if the mother contracts the bacteria or virus after or during pregnancy. The virus can incubate in just 3 days and might cause breathing changes, vomiting, and appetite loss. Majority of puppies die within 2 days and after 3 weeks, their bodies can fight against the virus effectively.

Fact #7: CTVT or Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumors Are Sexually Transmitted Cancer


This may spread through licking, biting, and sniffing the vaginal or penile areas. The tumors spread through the body fluids. Tumors look like warts, which appear on the dog’s vaginal or penis area. Less often, they will develop around the nose and mouth.


Neutering or spaying your dog is always beneficial, yet it won’t always prevent STDs. If you like to breed your pet, see to it that you have it tested at the first place.