This section contains links to selected pages containing information of special interest to the disk drive industry.
Recording technology
Five decades of disk drive industry firsts The most significant milestones in the disk drive industry's history.
History of recording In honor of the 100th anniversary of the first patent for magnetic information recording, we have added this page.
Disk drives take eventful spin Some early disk drive history, courtesy of EE Times.
How much information -- 2003 Updated University of California study estimating how much new information is created each year.
Hard disk drives
Hard disk drives: How they work
Holographic storage
Ion milling
Magnetic recording: Semiconductor
Optical cards
LaserCard(Previously Drexler Technology)
Phase change recording
ANSI/INCITS Technical subcommittees and standards
First regular radio broadcasts
Industry structure and trends
IDEMA Insight article by James N. Porter
Disk Drives' Evolution
Presentation by James N. Porter, DISK/TREND
Given at the 100th Anniversary Conference on Magnetic Recording and Information Storage, Santa Clara University, December, 1998.This document is a PDF file, about 1.2 megabytes in size. It requires the Adobe Acrobat reader, and may take a few minutes to download, depending upon your net connection.
UCSD Information Storage Industry Center
Stock and mutual fund prices
Yahoo! financial services
Quotes and graphs of historical performance of selected securities. Not limited to storage companies only.
Product data